We want every child in America to become a published author!
We believe that children of today are capable of greatness! After all, they are the future leaders of tomorrow. We want to support what our schools are teaching: Developing excellence in writing and reading, cultivating creativity, and most importantly, building self-confidence!
Once the stories are submitted, we will manage all stages of the publishing process in producing a high quality book. We want children to know that they are capable and WORTHY of working on a professional quality book, not just scribbles on paper, bound together. If we associate kids to the higher standards of professional authors, they WILL step up to meet the challenge. We are on a mission to prove that!
With time and dedication, together we can help make EVERY child an author!
We’re About The Little People…

1) Get on the Project Waiting List. (Click here to join today. Once you are ready to start the process, email us an official confirmation so that you can appear on the list.)
2) Send us the completed, proofread stories in an electronic format. (Along with the stories, you may be asked to submit authors’ photo and bio, dedication, and other text pertinent to the book)
3) Receive the softcover printed books, complete with illustrations and kids’ biographies, in just a matter of weeks! (Note that books will only go into production once pre-orders reach a minimum number of 35. Therefore there is absolutely no financial risk to anyone, only potential profits for the schools)

The kids’ unique storytelling are captured in print forever, as they can share their printed books with their friends and families. Schools can use the published books as a great fund-raiser tool or a community-building effort, either via a book-fair or a book-release party.
* (Note: These books printed in such small quantities can only be produced in paperback format, with full color cover. For larger hardcover book projects, printing will be done overseas in China with a minimum 2,000 book printing… call for details)
Class by Class, School by School…
The students do the writing, we publish them all in an amazingly beautiful book, and the school prepares for a writing revolution as they welcome hundreds of newly published authors at their school!
It’s simple, it builds confidence and will change lives.